Tantric can be booked through this site. Tantric entertainment booking site. Tantric
is available for public concerts and events. Tantric can be booked for
private events and Tantric can be booked for corporate events and
meetings through this Tantric booking page.
Unlike most middle agents that would mark
up the performance or appearance fee for Tantric, we act as YOUR agent in
securing Tantric at the best possible price. We go over the rider for
Tantric and work directly with Tantric or the responsible agent for
Tantric to secure the talent for your event. We become YOUR agent,
representing YOU, the buyer.
In fact, in most cases we can negotiate for
the acquisition of Tantric for international dates and newer promoters
providing you meet professional requirements.
Tantric Biography
The post-grunge outfit Days of the New rocked heavy in 1998 with their major-label eponymous debut and the singles Solitude and Touch, Peel and Stand, and the boys from Louisville, KY, quickly absorbed the fast success and MTV's praise. But as soon as they enjoyed the rock & roll fast life, original band members Todd Whitener (guitar), Jesse Vest (bass), and Matt Taul (drums) left the band after creative differences and whirlwind hype. Two years later, the three were still making music, but under the moniker Tantric. Signed to Madonna's label Maverick, the band welcomed new vocalist Hugo Ferreira and a brand new self-titled album more rollicking and bold than their previous rock band. ~ MacKenzie Wilson, All Music Guide
Written by MacKenzie Wilson